Image Via: Regal
Any type of machinery that is run by a chain drive uses sprockets as well. Sprockets and chains simply go hand in hand. Sprockets come in an array of sizes and styles to be used with specific types of chains. It is critical that the right type of sprocket is used with a particular chain to ensure that it works properly and efficiently.
It is first important to understand the relationship between the sprocket and the chain. A sprocket is a round wheel that has teeth on the exterior. The teeth come in a variety of sizes to coordinate perfectly with an assortment of chain sizes and styles. The sprocket’s teeth connect two sprockets together and the teeth of each sprocket fit into the chain and then power is transmitted so that motion and force can occur in the chain. One of the most distinct advantages of the chain and sprocket combination is the chain cannot shift or slip on the sprocket thanks to the teeth. Just like any mechanical part, sprockets and chains can and do wear down over time. Because of this, it is important to routinely inspect chains and sprockets and replace as needed to ensure efficient and ideal operation as Efficient Plant points out, “Applying new chain to worn sprockets can reduce chain-life expectancy by half. Since the cost of chain is often much higher than that of sprockets, replacing both chain and sprockets at the same time—while equipment is already down for service—can save time and money. The small additional cost will be outweighed by fewer problems and considerably longer chain life. Remember: The only certainty that comes with installing new chain onto old sprockets is that you’ll be doing the same job again soon.”
3 Types of Chain Sprockets
- Engineered Chain Sprockets
- These types of chain sprockets are designed to specifically be used in heavier-duty, engineering applications.
- Roller Chain Sprockets
- Roller chain sprockets are the most commonly used type of chain sprockets. They are used in virtually every industrial application.
- Silent Chain Sprockets
- When certain industrial power transmission or conveying applications necessitate a quieter chain and sprocket, silent chains and silent chain sprockets are used. They are capable of transmitting power but with a lower noise output and reduced vibration while still maintaining high efficiency.